

Absolutely amazing! That was the first thought that popped into my head the first time I watched Jordan play soccer. As he was racing down the field, ball glued to his foot, all I could think of was "college scholarship". It may not have been the correct thing to think of about a 1st grader, but man, he was good! Nobody could stop him. He was faster, stronger, and just plain better than anybody out there. He had barely played the game yet he looked like a pro compared to other kids his age. The whole season played out this way, nobody in the whole league was even close. I had a superstar.

As an athlete myself, I knew with hard work, this boy could use sports to make all his dreams come true. It was and is my job to guide him down the right path, to see that he makes the most out of his gift.

Devan at 4 yrs old was quite the character. He didn't have his brothers eye-popping skills (yet).
What he did have that set him apart even at that age was brains and heart to spare. He probably knew more about sports than most adults, and man did he love that little hockey set "uncle Jamie" had gotten him. He was always game to take on big brother, always thinking he would win. Can't even count how many times Devan would come in hollering "Jordan cheated, he's a cheater, I won and he cheated". Jordan right behind him screaming "you little baby, I didn't cheat, you cheated, I won fair and square". I was pretty competitive growing up but I couldn't hold a candle to these two. The two most competitive people I have ever known. They sure love each other, but give them a bat, a ball, a puck, weights, heck even darts, and it is on. So began our odyssey into youth athletics, and what a ride it has been.

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